Gäddciklider, revisioner och artbeskrivningar

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  • Mikael W
    NCS Medlem

    • August 2002
    • 8629

    Gäddciklider, revisioner och artbeskrivningar

    En revision från i somras av undertribus Crenicichlina.

    Henrique R Varella, Sven O Kullander, Naercio A Menezes, Claudio Oliveira, Hernan Lopez-Fernandez, Revision of the generic classification of pike cichlids using an integrative phylogenetic approach (Cichlidae: tribe Geophagini: subtribe Crenicichlina), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 198, Issue 4, August 2023, Pages 982–1034, https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad021

    (Tyvärr är den inte fri att läsa, utan man måste skapa ett konto.)
    Senast redigerad av Mikael W; 24 September 2023, 20:50.
    Mikael W
    (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)
  • DaRe
    NCS Medlem

    • September 2009
    • 22826

    Här finns PDF:
    : https://europeanjournaloftaxonomy.eu...view/2159/9205
    Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

    Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


    • Mikael W
      NCS Medlem

      • August 2002
      • 8629

      En revision från 2021;

      Říčan O, Dragová K, Almirón A, Casciotta J, Gottwald J, Piálek L. 2021. MtDNA species-level phylogeny and delimitation support significantly underestimated diversity and endemism in the largest Neotropical cichlid genus (Cichlidae: Crenicichla) PeerJ 9:e12283
      Mikael W
      (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


      • Mikael W
        NCS Medlem

        • August 2002
        • 8629

        Artbeskrivning: Crenicihla dandara

        Henrique R. Varella and Priscila Madoka M. Ito "Crenicichla dandara, new species: the black jacundá from the Rio Xingu (Teleostei: Cichlidae)," Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 166(1), 1-12, (6 April 2018 ).
        Crenicichla dandara, new species, is endemic to the rio Xingu above the Belo Monte narrows, and its major left bank tributary the rio Iriri. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: body uniformly black (live fishes) or dark brown (preserved specimens) in adults and 74–86 scales in the E1 row. Crenicichla dandara is considered herein to be the tenth species of the C. lugubris group, but its allies within the group are not clear. Among members of this group, C. dandara is most similar in general body shape, snout characteristics and squamation to C. lugubris and C. adspersa, but lacks a caudal-fin blotch as does C. johanna and C. monicae, a condition rare within the Crenicichla-Teleocichla clade. The overall black coloration in Crenicichla dandara is shared with the syntopic, but not closely related, Teleocichla preta. Both species inhabit clear water rapids where they hide among the shadows of large rocks, suggesting that the dark coloration is for camouflage and ambush predation. Based on a preliminary assessment of its conservation status following the criteria and categories of IUCN classification, Crenicichla dandara is considered as a species of least concern (LC).

        Mikael W
        (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


        • Mikael W
          NCS Medlem

          • August 2002
          • 8629

          Artbeskrivning: Crenicichla yjhui

          Piálek, L., Casciotta, J., Almirón, A. et al. A new pelagic predatory pike cichlid (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Crenicichla) from the C. mandelburgeri species complex with parallel and reticulate evolution. Hydrobiologia 832, 377–395 (2019).

          Artikeln är inte fritt tillgänglig.
          Senast redigerad av Mikael W; 24 September 2023, 21:32.
          Mikael W
          (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)

