Ny munruvande jordätarart från beskriven
Gymnogeophagus peliochelynion, 2018
Andréia Turcati, Wilson Sebastián Serra-Alanis, Luiz R. Malabarba
A new mouth breeder species of Gymnogeophagus is described from a tributary of the río Uruguay. It is distinguished from most species of the genus by the presence of hypertrophied lips, and from G. labiatus and G. pseudolabiatus by the color pattern. The presence of successive allopatric species of the Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys clade inhabiting the tributaries of the río Uruguay is discussed.
I artregistret: https://www.ciklid.org/artregister/art.php?ID=2861
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Gymnogeophagus peliochelynion, 2018
Andréia Turcati, Wilson Sebastián Serra-Alanis, Luiz R. Malabarba
A new mouth breeder species of Gymnogeophagus is described from a tributary of the río Uruguay. It is distinguished from most species of the genus by the presence of hypertrophied lips, and from G. labiatus and G. pseudolabiatus by the color pattern. The presence of successive allopatric species of the Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys clade inhabiting the tributaries of the río Uruguay is discussed.
I artregistret: https://www.ciklid.org/artregister/art.php?ID=2861
Jag har bett om bilder! Menom någon har hör av er!