Biotop: Rio Tapajos i området nära Itaituba

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  • dpzOnline
    • September 2016
    • 162

    Biotop: Rio Tapajos i området nära Itaituba

    När det gäller populära fångstplatser så som den fångstplats där mina Geophagus sp. orange head tapajós kommer ifrån så borde det finnas ett intresse av fler än mig från att veta mer om allt.

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    Jag tänkte att allt intressant man får reda på skulle kunna postas i denna tråd. Säg till om det redan finns trådar som handlar om en singel biotop.

    Vad vi redan vet
    Vi vet vilka ciklider som finns där, via det stora arbetet som gjorts på

    När det gäller växter så försöker jag hitta lite på andra forum
    Hi there, I am interested in cichlids and a member of (in Swedish) That made me look around for plants. Plants to build a piece of a biotope. My choice of biotope is South America and the river Rio Tapajos, below the city Itaituba (see map) It was your fantastic plantbase that...

    Jag sorterade ut det jag hittade ur fishbase (alla är inte från Itaituba och nerströms)

    Species Author Occurrence Max length Remark
    Aequidens mauesanus Kullander, 1997 native 13.39999961853 SL (male) Found in the lower rio Maués, a tributary to the paraná Uraria, a channel of Amazon and along the rio Arapiuns, a tributary fo the lower rio Tapajos (Ref. 26676). Also Ref. 36377.
    Cetopsis sandrae Vari, Ferraris & de Pinna, 2005 native 7.5 SL (male) Known from Rio Tapajos system, Amazon basin (Ref. 56045).
    Corydoras gracilis Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 native 2.3199999332428 SL (male) Recorded from the Rio Madeira within 100 miles of Porto Velho and from a tributary of Rio Tapajos, 66.5 km west of Itaituba, Estado Para (Ref. 26041).
    Corydoras ornatus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 native 4.9000000953674 SL (male) Found in the tributaries to the Rio Tapajos (Ref. 26041).
    Cyphocharax gangamon Vari, 1992 native 4.6999998092651 SL (male) Known from Tapajós River basin (Ref. 38013). Museum: Pará, Rio Tapajos, Monte Cristo, Lago da Santa Clara, MZUSP 022037 (holotype of C. gangamon); MZUSP 41752, USNM 309290 (paratypes). Mato Grosso, Rio Arinos, Porto dos Gauchos, USNM 267991, MZUSP 41754 (Ref. 11334). Also Ref. 27925.
    Dicrossus warzeli Römer, Hahn & Vergara, 2010 native 6 SL (male) , 3.5 SL (female) Known only from Tapajos River, Amazon River system. Seems to be endemic to the middle to upper Rio Tapajos system (Ref. 85095).
    Hypoptopoma elongatum Aquino & Schaefer, 2010 native 10.199999809265 TL (male) Type locality, Pará, Rio Tapajos, Itaituba, INPA 7240 (holotype of Hypoptopoma elongatum, 9.54 cm SL, female). Known from Lower Rio Tapajos and lower Rio Trombetas (Ref. 84367).
    Hypostomus hemicochliodon Armbruster, 2003 native 22.959999084473 SL (male) Known from the Rios Tapajos and Xingu of the lower Rio Amazonas drainage (Ref. 50589).
    Imparfinis hasemani Steindachner, 1915 endemic 8.1000003814697 SL (male) Known from Branco and Tapajós River basins (Ref. 36914). Type locality, Rio Surumú near Serra do Mello; Rio Branco at Bem Querer; Rio Tapajos near Santarém, Pará (Ref. 36656).
    Jupiaba acanthogaster (Eigenmann, 1911) native 5.5 SL (male) Recorded from Paraguay, upper Tapajos and Tocantins River basins (Ref. 38376).
    Leporinus falcipinnis Mahnert, Géry & Muller, 1997 endemic Known from the lower Tapajós River basin (Ref. 36801). Type locality: Rio Arapiuns, 1 hr. by boat downstream of mouth of rio Arua, lower Tapajos basin, Para, Brazil, 2°04'S, 55°38'W (Ref. 26282).
    Melanorivulus modestus (Costa, 1991) endemic 4 TL (male) Known from the Tapajós River basin (Ref. 36579). Recorded from Rio Mutum, Rio Tapajos basin, Comodoro, Mato Grosso (Ref. 26657).
    Metynnis argenteus Ahl, 1923 endemic 13.960000038147 SL (male) Known from Tapajós River basin (Ref. 39031). Type locality is Rio Tapajos. Found regularly in markets in Santarém (Ref. 12202) but restricted to area south of lower Amazon according to Ref. 34077.
    Micromyzon akamai Friel & Lundberg, 1996 native 1.5800000429153 SL (male) Known from two localities of the Amazon; approximately 115 km below the mouth of Rio Tapajos near the town of Monte Alegre and lower Rio Tocantins and about 30 km above confluence with Rio Pará (Ref. 13087). Also Ref. 36695.
    Pamphorichthys scalpridens (Garman, 1895) endemic 2 TL (male) , 4 (female) Known from the Amazon basin, Santarem, Obidos, Rio Tapajos, Ro Trombetas, Para, Villa Bella and Mato Grosso.
    Pseudanos winterbottomi Sidlauskas & Santos, 2005 native 15.170000076294 SL (male) Known from Rio Tapajos drainage (Ref. 55429).
    Rhabdolichops stewarti Lundberg & Mago-Leccia, 1986 native 20.700000762939 TL (male) Recorded from RioTapajos (Ref. 9394). Also Ref. 26457.
    Roeboexodon geryi Myers, 1960 native 15 SL (male) Known from Amazon, Tocantins, Xingu and Tapajos River basins (Ref. 38376).
    Spatuloricaria tuira Fichberg, Oyakawa & de Pinna, 2014 native 16.559999465942 SL (male) Known from the Rio Xingu and the Rio Tapajós drainages, both on the main river channels and their tributaries. Most specimens have been sampled after 2004, the year when construction of dams in the Xingu and Tapajos began. Spatuloricaria species may be preseumed extirpated from the entire impacted area of the dams, since species of the genus do not occur in still waters (Ref. 96500).
    Teleocichla prionogenys Kullander, 1988 native 5.6999998092651 SL (male) , 5.5999999046326 SL (female) Known from the Amazon River basin in the Tapajós River at São Luis (Ref. 36377). Type locality: Brazil, State of Pará: Rio Tapajos, São Luis, acima de Itaituba, pedral (Ref. 34233). Also Ref. 12251.
    Teleocichla proselytus Kullander, 1988 native 5.6999998092651 SL (male) Known from the Amazon River basin, in the Tapajós River at São Luis (Ref. 36377). Type locality: Brazil, State of Pará: Rio Tapajos, São Luis, acima de Itaituba, pedral (Ref. 34233). Also Ref. 12251.
    Utiaritichthys sennaebragai Miranda Ribeiro, 1937 native 32.200000762939 SL (male) Known from the Amazon River basin (Ref. 39031). Recorded from Tapajos, Tocantins and Araguaia rivers (Ref. 59. Type locality: Amont de Salto Utiarity, 13°S, 58°15'W, Affluent of Rio Papagaio, Mato Grosso, ne. Brazil (Ref. 26282).
    Om mitt inlägg går att tolka som *glatt* eller *oglatt* så är det alltid *glatt* jag menar.

    Har jag missat en detalj eller glömt något väsentligt! Berätta gärna så blir jag kunnigare.
  • DaRe
    NCS Medlem

    • September 2009
    • 22826

    Bra info!
    Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

    Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


    • DaRe
      NCS Medlem

      • September 2009
      • 22826

      Ny art av tetra i Rio Tapajos 😊

      New genus and species:
      Phycocharax rasbora Ohara, Mirande & de Lima, 2017

      Phycocharax rasbora, a new genus and species of Brazilian tetra (Characiformes: Characidae) from Serra do Cachimbo, rio Tapajós basin
      Willian Massaharu Ohara ,Juan Marcos Mirande, Flávio Cesar Thadeo de Lima
      PLoS ONE 12(2): e0170648.
      Published: February 15, 2017
      Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

      Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


      • kaj.p
        • April 2002
        • 2294

        Har svårt att tänka mig att det finns några som helst växter i själva Rio Tabajos däremot i biflödena. Från vår resa kommer det en artikel i CB2

