Ny Heros-art från Rio Orinocco beskriven: Heros liberifer. Dessutom skrivs en del om
Heros severus . Spännande. Antar att det är en munruvande, fast med en fläck på stjärtfenan med mera. Blir lite nyfiken vilken severus som Kaj hade för någon månad sedan, var den från rio Orinocco?
"Heros liberifer sp. n. is described from the drainage of the upper and middle Rio Orinoco in Venezuela. The new species is distinguished from all other Heros species by its unique colouration pattern of several horizontal series of tiny bright red dots on the lower half of the body sides and by its unusual brood care. Heros liberifer sp. n. can be distinguished from the syntopic
Heros severus Heckel, 1840 by a distinct caudal spot, narrower lips, a bright red ins and the 4th vertical bar, which is not shortened, but extends from the anal fin base to the base of the dorsal fin. In addition, comments are made on the colouration of live specimens of
Heros severus , its distribution and ecology"

"Heros liberifer sp. n. is described from the drainage of the upper and middle Rio Orinoco in Venezuela. The new species is distinguished from all other Heros species by its unique colouration pattern of several horizontal series of tiny bright red dots on the lower half of the body sides and by its unusual brood care. Heros liberifer sp. n. can be distinguished from the syntopic
