Ny art: Chalinochromis cyanophleps

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  • DaRe
    NCS Medlem

    • September 2009
    • 22826

    Ny art: Chalinochromis cyanophleps

    Beskriven av:
    Sven O. Kullander , Mikael Karlsson , Magnus Karlsson & Michael Norén

    Chalinochromis cyanophleps is described from nine specimens, the largest 129 mm SL, from Namansi. It differs from other species of Chalinochromis in plain trunk colouration, absence of black stripes on the head, relatively narrow lips, presence of tricuspid jaw teeth, and presence of five rather than four dentary lateralis foramina. The blue iridescent stripe below the eye is shared with other lamprologin cichlids, but is broader and more conspicuous in C. cyanophleps. Chal-inochromis cyanophleps occurs at depths between 6 and 45 m in rocky habitats along the Tanzanian coast of Lake Tang-anyika, from Mvuna Island south to Kalala Island, a stretch of about 90 km. Field observations were made of specimens up to 18 cm total length. The COI DNA barcode sequence differs by 1.8% from that of C. popelini.


    Tidigare känd som:
    Chalinochromis sp. "patricki" av Ad Konings.
    A new species of Chalinochromis has been identified from Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, it was previously confused with Chalinochromis sp. 'bifrenatus', it is provisionally named Chalinochromis sp. 'patricki'. The reasons for identify it as undescribed are expressed in this article
    Senast redigerad av DaRe; 22 April 2014, 14:29.
    Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

    Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet
  • johho
    NCS Medlem

    • March 2007
    • 1824

    Nice, mycket nytt på en gång


    • DaRe
      NCS Medlem

      • September 2009
      • 22826

      Snygg är den
      Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

      Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


      • Wilhelm
        • April 2002
        • 9104

        Inte alls dum!
        mvh Wilhelm

        "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

        Har fortfarande bara 32 tomma förvaringsutrymmen!
        www.aquafish.info www.crossbow-crest.se

