Intressant Crenicichlaartikel

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  • DaRe
    NCS Medlem
    • September 2009
    • 22830

    Intressant Crenicichlaartikel

    Functional Diversification within a Predatory Species Flock
    Ecological speciation is well-known from adaptive radiations in cichlid fishes inhabiting lentic ecosystems throughout the African rift valley and Central America. Here, we investigate the ecological and morphological diversification of a recently discovered lotic predatory Neotropical cichlid species flock in subtropical South America. We document morphological and functional diversification using geometric morphometrics, stable C and N isotopes, stomach contents and character evolution. This species flock displays species-specific diets and skull and pharyngeal jaw morphology. Moreover, this lineage appears to have independently evolved away from piscivory multiple times and derived forms are highly specialized morphologically and functionally relative to ancestral states. Ecological speciation played a fundamental role in this radiation and our data reveal novel conditions of ecological speciation including a species flock that evolved: 1) in a piscivorous lineage, 2) under lotic conditions and 3) with pronounced morphological novelties, including hypertrophied lips that appear to have evolved rapidly.
    Ecological speciation is well-known from adaptive radiations in cichlid fishes inhabiting lentic ecosystems throughout the African rift valley and Central America. Here, we investigate the ecological and morphological diversification of a recently discovered lotic predatory Neotropical cichlid species flock in subtropical South America. We document morphological and functional diversification using geometric morphometrics, stable C and N isotopes, stomach contents and character evolution. This species flock displays species-specific diets and skull and pharyngeal jaw morphology. Moreover, this lineage appears to have independently evolved away from piscivory multiple times and derived forms are highly specialized morphologically and functionally relative to ancestral states. Ecological speciation played a fundamental role in this radiation and our data reveal novel conditions of ecological speciation including a species flock that evolved: 1) in a piscivorous lineage, 2) under lotic conditions and 3) with pronounced morphological novelties, including hypertrophied lips that appear to have evolved rapidly.
    Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

    Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet
  • Ola Svensson
    • April 2002
    • 14633

    Med syftning till en annan tråd: PLoS är alltid Open Access. PLoS One är speciell. De publicerar ALLT som uppfyller de vetenskapliga kraven, men om det är intressant eller inte är irrelevant. PLoS Biology tar bara in de mest epokgörande studierna - de som anses driva forskningsfronten framåt.
    Med vänliga hälsningar



    • DaRe
      NCS Medlem
      • September 2009
      • 22830

      Bra info Ola
      Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

      Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


      • Kawasa
        • September 2012
        • 840

        Tackar för länken
        Be careful when speaking. You create the world around you with your words.


        • Ola Sjödin
          • August 2003
          • 514

          Kul att se att Alejandro Duarte står som medförfattare. Han var med som extraguide när vi Pitebor besökte Felipe härom året. Tre av de fyra arterna fångade vi när vi var i Rio Cuareim. Intressant artikel. Tack för tipset! Noterbart är att C. celidochilus var en extremt smidig rovfisk. De högg inte byten över ryggen och vände dem sedan. De vek av i utfallet och högg alltid firren framifrån. Hyfsat skickliga piscivorer!

