Ny Australoheros beskriven

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  • DaRe
    NCS Medlem
    • September 2009
    • 22830

    Ny Australoheros beskriven

    Australoheros sanguineus, Ottoni

    från sydöstra Brasilien.

    AbstractA new species of Australoheros is herein described from the rio Cubatão basin, southern Brazil. The new species differs from all its congeners mainly by the following character states: presence of a conspicuous rounded caudal-fin base; presence of two blood red regions on the corners of caudal-fin posterior margin; absence of conspicuous metallic blotches on anal-fin base; absence of a red pigmented line on dorsal-fin margin; presence of one conspicuous blue iridescence bar on dorsal-margin; more pectoral-fin rays (14); fewer proximal radials on dorsal-fin base (24–25); more proximal radials on anal-fin base (13); anal-fin base squamation beginning at 7th anal-fin spine; and dorsal-fin base squamation beginning between 11th and 12th dorsal-fin spine.
    Die Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung wurde 1817 gegründet und ist heute eine der wichtigsten Forschungsinstitute rund um biologische Vielfalt.
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