2. International Cichlidentage 2011 in Duisburg, Germany

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  • Kjell Fohrman
    • April 2002
    • 4619

    2. International Cichlidentage 2011 in Duisburg, Germany

    Fler än jag som har tänkt att åka på detta evenemang? 40 st Apistogramma-akvarium låter mycket intressant.

    The 2nd International Cichlidentage (2nd ICT) will take place under auspices of the Aquaristics-Fair “Zierfische & Aquarium” Duisburg, Germany, 30.09 – 03.10.2011

    Approximately 30-40.000 visitors are expected. The program consists of a large Cichlid exhibition, lectures, panel discussions, workshops and the cichlid dinner. Additionally this time there will be a special exhibition of 40 Apistogramma tanks.

    An organizer of the 2nd ICT is the DCG-Region Niederrhein. For the realisation of the extensive program collaboration with other DCG regions, the Datz editorial staff (organisation of the professional talks and panel discussions) and the company Zajac (provision of the exhibition space within the fair as well as aquariums incl. technology/decoration) and the companies Aquanet TV and ZooMed will take place.

    In the Cichlid exhibition colourful Cichlids from all over the world are exhibited in approximately 110 mainly large aquariums on an exhibition space of 500 square meters. The presented Cichlids are brought to the exhibition by DCG members across Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as from Cichlid lovers from other European Countries.

    Lectures are in German and in English. There are well-known speakers from home and abroad lecturing. With panel discussions and Workshops practically oriented subjects are taken up to offer, especially the “average aquarists’ benefits from this offer. With the Workshops, primarily, youngsters and children will benefit (Aquarium setup, etc.).

    The cichlid dinner will take place in the restaurant area of the fair that includes buffet & bar on Saturday, 01.10.2011 at 19.00 pm. This gives hobbyists the opportunity to get to know each other in a comfortable and sociable round. Everyone, not only Cichlid lovers are welcome.
    Senast redigerad av Kjell Fohrman; 04 February 2011, 23:27.
  • Wilhelm
    • April 2002
    • 9104

    The cichlid dinner will take place in the restaurant area
    Undrar vad det är för ciklid som kommer att ligga på tallriken!

    Man kanske skulle dit för att spana in alla apistos.
    mvh Wilhelm

    "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

    Har fortfarande bara 32 tomma förvaringsutrymmen!
    www.aquafish.info www.crossbow-crest.se


    • kaj.p
      • April 2002
      • 2294

      Finns på min agenda 2011 kommer o bli fullmatat.


      • Mikael W
        NCS Medlem

        • August 2002
        • 8629

        Visst ska man vara med.
        Mikael W
        (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


        • PatrikMalmo
          • May 2005
          • 4642

          Tror det blir tufft för mig, men det återstår att se... klart det vore SKOJ, men det är en helt annan femma!!

          Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.

