Comment on the new section

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  • kaj.p
    • April 2002
    • 2294

    Comment on the new section

    Great Mikael Now you just have to se to that al NCS international friends will register and take part on this forum.
    Senast redigerad av kaj.p; 24 December 2010, 23:34.
  • Mikael W
    NCS Medlem

    • August 2002
    • 8626

    Oh, I guess they will be coming.
    Mikael W
    (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


    • DaRe
      NCS Medlem

      • September 2009
      • 22826

      Could we possibly add a google translate button on the "artregister", so that all visitors can benefit from this fantastic register with data. I know it has been referred to from other sites. e.g. from australian sites.

      I have suggested previousely to have the same function in the forum.

      Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

      Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


      • Joakim Draktoft
        NCS Medlem
        • April 2002
        • 7334

        Ursprungligen postat av DRE
        Could we possibly add a google translate button on the "artregister", so that all visitors can benefit from this fantastic register with data. I know it has been referred to from other sites. e.g. from australian sites.

        I have suggested previousely to have the same function in the forum.

        Well I gave it a fast try tonight, to make it as simple as possible.

        Have a look at one of the examples.

        Since theArtregister is purely builtin swedish there are some features that will not operate after a translation, but you will get the main information.

        Started out with the major languages.
        Joakim Draktoft
        f.d Webmaster


        • Mikael W
          NCS Medlem

          • August 2002
          • 8626

          It seems that the other languages than english all go to Guinacara geayi.
          (And Stalsberg translates to Stålberg).
          Mikael W
          (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


          • DaRe
            NCS Medlem

            • September 2009
            • 22826

            Nice fish no doubt

            I think this was a great feature! This might really interest a lot of international surfers.

            Also my first proposal was more in line of supporting the fact that we are a nordic society and thus the nordic languages should be visible, but maybe it becomes too many buttons?

            A more complicated solution; Could the forum be autotranslated to your favorite language, but stored in Swedish. Thus you could (possibly) read most of posts and add your post in your language, check the box what language you used and after you submit, the post would automatically translate to swedish and be stored in the DB.

            With this I think most would be able to communicate no mater what language you prefer.
            Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

            Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


            • Joakim Draktoft
              NCS Medlem
              • April 2002
              • 7334

              Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
              It seems that the other languages than english all go to Guinacara geayi.
              This has been fixed.

              Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
              And Stalsberg translates to Stålberg.
              Well, this is the obstacle when using automated translation.Something we need to compromise with.

              Ursprungligen postat av DRE
              I think this was a great feature! This might really interest a lot of international surfers.

              Also my first proposal was more in line of supporting the fact that we are a nordic society and thus the nordic languages should be visible, but maybe it becomes too many buttons?
              As said earlier it was done in a hurry last night. I t can of course be done nicer, and with pictures working. But for now it will have to do. There are other thigs with higher prioritization right now.

              I added the Swedish icon, so that you always can find your way back to the original language (without translation).

              Ursprungligen postat av DRE
              A more complicated solution; Could the forum be autotranslated to your favorite language, but stored in Swedish. Thus you could (possibly) read most of posts and add your post in your language, check the box what language you used and after you submit, the post would automatically translate to swedish and be stored in the DB.

              With this I think most would be able to communicate no mater what language you prefer.
              I know I have seen some plugin to the forum for doing translation. I don´t know how it works in detail, but of course it could be something to look into.
              Joakim Draktoft
              f.d Webmaster


              • Mikael W
                NCS Medlem

                • August 2002
                • 8626

                Is there a translate button for Finnish available?
                Mikael W
                (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


                • Joakim Draktoft
                  NCS Medlem
                  • April 2002
                  • 7334

                  Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
                  Is there a translate button for Finnish available?
                  Now there is.

                  Please verify added tag on icon, meaning Translation to Finnish.
                  Joakim Draktoft
                  f.d Webmaster


                  • Mikael W
                    NCS Medlem

                    • August 2002
                    • 8626

                    Ursprungligen postat av Joakim Draktoft
                    Now there is.
                    Thanks Joakim!

                    Ursprungligen postat av Joakim Draktoft
                    Please verify added tag on icon, meaning Translation to Finnish.
                    Pls change that to Suomennos.

                    Found two small bugs: Pictures don't show, and back to Swedish doesn't work.

                    Got many a good laugh over the Finnish translations, but what, it's only a machine.
                    Mikael W
                    (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


                    • Mikael W
                      NCS Medlem

                      • August 2002
                      • 8626

                      Abbreviations do not translate very well. Maybe we should instruct our writersw to avoid self made abbrs.
                      Mikael W
                      (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)


                      • DaRe
                        NCS Medlem

                        • September 2009
                        • 22826

                        Is it even possible to put these buttons on the overall site? Or atleast on the main site of "artregistret". The problem still might be that it is a bit tricky to findyour way into the artregister starting from main page.
                        Klart du ska vara medlem! Vi har ett växande medlemsantal och kommande år är jubileumsår, vi firar det väldigt gärna tillsammans med dig!

                        Ordförande Nordiska Ciklidsällskapet


                        • Joakim Draktoft
                          NCS Medlem
                          • April 2002
                          • 7334

                          Ursprungligen postat av DRE
                          Is it even possible to put these buttons on the overall site? Or atleast on the main site of "artregistret". The problem still might be that it is a bit tricky to findyour way into the artregister starting from main page.
                          Yes, these kind of buttons can be displayed almost everywhere on the site, where we want to be able to enable translations.

                          For now its only in Art-view they exists.

                          Regarding to easy find Artergister, I would say in new meny item Ciklider would be the best way for now.

                          Perhaps a rebuild of the main Artregister-page is also needed. All ideas in this are are appriciated.
                          Joakim Draktoft
                          f.d Webmaster


                          • Joakim Draktoft
                            NCS Medlem
                            • April 2002
                            • 7334

                            Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
                            Pls change that to Suomennos.

                            Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
                            Found two small bugs: Pictures don't show, and back to Swedish doesn't work.
                            Pictures has been mentioned earlier.

                            Ursprungligen postat av Mikael W
                            Got many a good laugh over the Finnish translations, but what, it's only a machine.
                            Yes automatic translations will give you a lot of fun, escpecialle if you name is Alf
                            Joakim Draktoft
                            f.d Webmaster


                            • Mikael W
                              NCS Medlem

                              • August 2002
                              • 8626

                              Ursprungligen postat av Joakim Draktoft
                              Now it says Käännä Suomennos. Is Käännä something that comes automatically? If yes, pls change to Käännä suomeksi
                              If no, pls delete Käännä.
                              That is, either only "Suomennos" or "Käännä suomeksi"

                              A little tricky, this language
                              Mikael W
                              (NCS-medlem sedan 1981)

