What small fish from Tanganyika biotop at the top level of the tank?

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  • PatrikMalmo
    • May 2005
    • 4642

    Good thing, but I do not believe pumilus and Julidochromis ever have seen eachother in the lake. As far as I know, pumilus is not really found _in_ the lake, but in the surrounding waterways. Still, it might be the best choice as for the waterparameters. It does really well in harder water, normanni thrives in more acidic conditions, at least in my tanks. Other people might have a different opinion on this, maybe due to different populations of normanni.

    There´s another species wich you might try, if you want lampeyes: Micropanchax scheeli. Gets a little bigger than normanni, wich might be better with the company of Julidochromis. normanni is the easiest species to find though, I believe.

    If you are having trouble to find pumilus, I will soon make some efforts to breed them again, so in six months or so, I hope to have quite a number of these fish. You will have to visit Malmo to get them, but I would be happy to see the fish kept by a lot of aquarists. As far as I know it almost disappeared in Scandinavia a couple of years ago, when a Danish fishbreeder stopped keeping them. Me and some friends were lucky enough to find them in Germany, and we have had some success in breeding them (my friends have much better results than I have). They are sensitive to temperature in relation to sexratio, the population we have here in Scania it seems best to breed them in slightly colder water, around 22-23 C. Gives a fairly equal sexratio.


    Senast redigerad av PatrikMalmo; 04 April 2010, 12:31.
    Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.


    • Svolp
      • April 2010
      • 13

      Sound good PatrikMalmo..
      Mutch information to learn from.. am not sure that you can find pumilus in tanganyika, this is just something I have heard. If u say its found in the surrounding waterways I belive you. Just thought this fish would fit my water demands. I want to make my tank a complete tanganyika tank with species only from this lake.
      But as I said earlier my tank is only 120L so I think that 8 Julidochromis is plenty. The reason with having pumilus or some other small fish is just to have some activity at the top level of the tank since this is the only tank and its located in my livingroom. My apartment is small so I cant buy a bigger tank at this moment. (My girlfriend also hate aquaium

      Gonna post a picture of my tank when am home from work tomorrow so u guys can see what my tank look like at this moment. Will see what fish I can get hold of and if this pumilus is to hard to get maybe I`ll take my motorcycle to do a visit, when I often visit denmark, sweden and germany on biketrips!



      • Svolp
        • April 2010
        • 13

        Hi guys!

        I promised some pictures of the tank.. Since its my only tank and it is located in the livingroom I chose to have som plant.. as I have been read you can find all of this plants in africa and some in tanganyika.. if all is located in the lake am not sure off..

        Anyway.. Take a look!


        Left side

        Right side

        Julidochromis marlieri

        5 Julidochromis marlieri

        Plantlist :
        - 2 Anubias Anubias barteri "nana"
        - 2 Anubias barteri "coffeefolia"
        - 1 Anubias barteri "angustifolia"
        - 1 Bolbitis heudelotii (down at right corner)
        - 2 Vallisneria spiralis "Tiger"
        - Eleocharis parvula that will form a grass carpet after a while
        - Pistia, because the tank is only 8weeks old!


        NOTE: If mod can post the pictures directly in my post please do, am using direct picture link from PB but its still a click link.
        Senast redigerad av Svolp; 05 April 2010, 12:09.


        • Wilhelm
          • April 2002
          • 9104

          Ursprungligen postat av Svolp

          NOTE: If mod can post the pictures directly in my post please do, am using direct picture link from PB but its still a click link.
          If you will be a member of NCS, than you can post direct into your posts!
          mvh Wilhelm

          "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

          Har fortfarande bara 32 tomma förvaringsutrymmen!
          www.aquafish.info www.crossbow-crest.se


          • Ola Svensson
            • April 2002
            • 14633

            Ursprungligen postat av PatrikMalmo
            pumilus is also a killi...
            If we are really picky, then killi is not a taxonomical group. Killies bollongs to several families. Lampeyes are nowadays a subfamily in the "live bearer" family Poeciliidae (although they lay eggs) whereas ricefishes don't even bellong to the same order (it's the sister order).

            Med vänliga hälsningar



            • Svolp
              • April 2010
              • 13


              I see, good information!


              • Banderad
                • February 2006
                • 3479

                Ursprungligen postat av Svolp
                Hi guys!

                I promised some pictures of the tank.. Since its my only tank and it is located in the livingroom I chose to have som plant.. as I have been read you can find all of this plants in africa and some in tanganyika.. if all is located in the lake am not sure off..

                Anyway.. Take a look!


                Left side

                Right side

                Julidochromis marlieri

                5 Julidochromis marlieri

                Plantlist :
                - 2 Anubias Anubias barteri "nana"
                - 2 Anubias barteri "coffeefolia"
                - 1 Anubias barteri "angustifolia"
                - 1 Bolbitis heudelotii (down at right corner)
                - 2 Vallisneria spiralis "Tiger"
                - Eleocharis parvula that will form a grass carpet after a while
                - Pistia, because the tank is only 8weeks old!


                NOTE: If mod can post the pictures directly in my post please do, am using direct picture link from PB but its still a click link.

                Nice tank!



                • Svolp
                  • April 2010
                  • 13

                  Thanks alot Jocke :-
                  Am not so sure about the plant with the filter at the right side of the tank, any ideas?



                  • PatrikMalmo
                    • May 2005
                    • 4642

                    Looks nice, some pumilus will definitely like it in there. What is it about the plant, the way it looks or what species? It looks very much like a Bolbitis to me. I think it would look nicer if you put it on a rock (it stucks to the rock in a while). Then the straight line from the filterfront will disappear. Sad to say, I think you will loose it. Difficult plant, likes soft water. If you do, replace it with another Anubias.


                    Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.


                    • Svolp
                      • April 2010
                      • 13

                      Thank you Patrik, as far as I know it is a Bolbitis heudelotii.. at least that was what I was told when I bought it..

                      It is placed on a rock, tryed to have it on the main mound but it didnt look so good with the anubias.. Will see how it works out, if I loose its not so dangerous but am really hoping to get the Eleocharis parvula to grow so that there is a large grass mat :-)


                      • PatrikMalmo
                        • May 2005
                        • 4642

                        B. heudelotii is deifinitely the most common species of them, quite sure that is what you´ve got. Wish you the best with Eleocharis, but be patient - it will grow slow whitout CO2. Use some fertilizer (sparingly, half recommended dose should be enough). I really recommend Tropicas Plant nutrition (without N and P). Expensive, but lasts a long time and it really works even in harder water.

                        If you really, really want a large grass mat, buy a lot of plants to begin with. Speeds things up enormously. You might be better off trying a fertilizer and watch _if_ they grow to start with. Maybe you are alredy fertilizing with micronutrients, so sorry if I send ideas you are already trying.


                        Senast redigerad av PatrikMalmo; 06 April 2010, 23:56.
                        Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.


                        • Lozer
                          • March 2007
                          • 54

                          Vet att denna tråd är i stort sett avslutad. Men ville bara skriva att det finns Tanganyika lyktögon i ciklidhobby i Nol kom just därifrån med ett gäng nu. Står på hemsidan.
                          "ALLT är värt ett försök"


                          • FrePGun
                            • March 2009
                            • 2410

                            Väldigt häftigt akvarium!! Skall inom kort inreda ett tanganyika kar jag med.


                            • Svolp
                              • April 2010
                              • 13

                              Thanks alot for nice comments!!

                              No aquarium shops can help me, they often sucks btw here in norway But I got a hobby friend that does some import once in a while and I have now ordered 20 Lacustricola pumilus, I am getting them next week..

                              Cant wait

