What small fish from Tanganyika biotop at the top level of the tank?

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  • Svolp
    • April 2010
    • 13

    What small fish from Tanganyika biotop at the top level of the tank?

    Hi guys!

    Am writing on english so all of u can understand my question..
    I have a Tanganyika tank with 8 Julidochromis marlieri..
    The size of the tank is 120L, its a juwel lido if somebody have seen it befor.

    I want a fish, maybe 10-20 that only are at the middle and top level of the tank.. have been searching all over but cant finde anyone that fits my demands.

    PH : 8
    GH : 15
    KH : 4

    It must be from Tanganyika ;-)


    (ignore my bad english guys and u can respond on swed, danish or norwegian to me)
  • Wilhelm
    • April 2002
    • 9104

    It´s a very small tank, but you can try to have some cyprichromis leptosoma "utinta".

    Best is to get a bigger tank!

    By the way, welcome to the best ciklid forum
    mvh Wilhelm

    "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

    Har fortfarande bara 32 tomma förvaringsutrymmen!
    www.aquafish.info www.crossbow-crest.se


    • Svolp
      • April 2010
      • 13

      Thank you for the answer..
      I thougt cyprichromis leptosoma "utinta" got really big and needed a big tan, like 300++ ?
      Am thinking about Lacustricola pumilus, anybody that know anything about this one?
      The problem is that i have seen i books that this fish is most happy when the tank is full of plants and not so sharp light?!

      Got 5 anubias and some vallisnera!



      • Anders i Askim
        • February 2008
        • 1031

        The perfect choise is Lamprichthys tanganicanus.
        A very nice fish whith with good mood and beautiful colors.
        Mvh Anders
        Cyathopharynx foae Sibwesa, Cyprichromis microlepidotus Bulu point, Cyprichromis coluratus Mbita, Xenotilapia papilio Tembwe Deux, Xenotilapia ochrogenys Kigoma, Tanganicodus irsacae Mabilibili, Phyllonemus typus.


        • Svolp
          • April 2010
          • 13

          Even in a tank that isnt bigger then 120L ? was sure this fish had to have lot of space to swim in? My marlieri at the biggest will be around 10cm and Lamprichthys tanganicanus can grow up to 15cm or what?

          hmmm.. lake tanganyika dont got so many small fish or what?


          • Wilhelm
            • April 2002
            • 9104

            Ursprungligen postat av Svolp
            Even in a tank that isnt bigger then 120L ? ...
            hmmm.. lake tanganyika dont got so many small fish or what?
            No but you are lucky , there exist bigger tanks so you can have bigger Tanganyjkas!

            Ursprungligen postat av Svolp
            I thougt cyprichromis leptosoma "utinta" got really big and needed a big tan, like 300++ ?
            They don´t get big, only about 8 cm.
            mvh Wilhelm

            "Animals are such agreeable friends- they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms"

            Har fortfarande bara 32 tomma förvaringsutrymmen!
            www.aquafish.info www.crossbow-crest.se


            • Svolp
              • April 2010
              • 13

              Well.. its bigger tanks to buy out there to a fear price, but if that happend I had to buy a new apartment to and that isnt wery cheap these days

              120L is all I can have.


              • Ola Svensson
                • April 2002
                • 14633


                I don't think you can find a Lake Tanganyika fish small enough to keep 10-20 individuals in a 120L tank. However, you can easily have a 1+3 group of Paracyprichromis or a small Cyprichromis. If you want 10-20 individuals you have to pick a non-Tanganyika fish such as a Poecilia or a danio.


                Med vänliga hälsningar



                • Svolp
                  • April 2010
                  • 13

                  Thats to bad.. But what about Lacustricola pumilus ?



                  • Mike_Noren
                    • February 2003
                    • 2694

                    Ursprungligen postat av Svolp
                    Thats to bad.. But what about Lacustricola pumilus ?
                    Yes, it should be possible to have 10 or more of those plus Julidochromis in a 120 liter. The trick is finding them, L. pumilus is a rare fish in the trade. A similar and more common species which would probably also work is Poropanchax normani.
                    Senast redigerad av Mike_Noren; 02 April 2010, 16:44.


                    • PatrikMalmo
                      • May 2005
                      • 4642

                      I´m breeding L. pumilus (Burundi CI2008 ) and I also know more people that have these nice fish. They should work in your tank. Easy to keep, easy to get eggs from but a little difficult to raise the newborn. They will show off very nice, but beware of "males from Hell" - sometimes one male is a killer, and slowly decimates the lot...

                      If you put a piece of Hornsärv, Ceratophyllum, in the tank they will have a good time. The plant also exist in Lake Tanganyika.

                      I do not recommend Cyps or Lamprichtys, both need/like plenty of space. The Lido-model also have a strange shape (quite high in relation to width), so it´s not suitable for these fish.


                      Senast redigerad av PatrikMalmo; 03 April 2010, 08:01.
                      Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.


                      • Svolp
                        • April 2010
                        • 13

                        Thanks alot for good answares guys!
                        Think I will go for Lacustricola pumilus, then my "mini" tanganyika is completed with fish, snail and plants only from Tanganyika.. (I think ;-)

                        Just hope somebody can order this for me in my local fishshop, if not maybe I will try Poropanchax normani.. But since this is a killi I thougt they needed mutch softer wather and lower PH then I got. I have 8 PH, 4 KH and GH 15

                        I am back from work on monday morning, will try to post some pictures from the tank.



                        • Mike_Noren
                          • February 2003
                          • 2694

                          Ursprungligen postat av Svolp
                          Poropanchax normani.. But since this is a killi I thougt they needed mutch softer wather and lower PH then I got. I have 8 PH, 4 KH and GH 15
                          Both L. pumilus and P. normani are lamp eyes, and both do just fine in hard water.


                          • PatrikMalmo
                            • May 2005
                            • 4642

                            pumilus is also a killi, and I agree with Mike - they will do fine in your water. The waterparameters can be important if you want to breed these fish sucessfully in large numbers, but I´m quite convinced you will se some youngster in your tank anyway.


                            Ingen fisk har läst böckerna.


                            • Svolp
                              • April 2010
                              • 13

                              Hi again..

                              I will try to get pumilus since this is located in tanganyika. If that dosent work out I will try to get normani, but am hoping that I cant get hold of pumilus so that the tank is only tanganyika species.


