Project 2007 Safe the Victoria Cichlids

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  • Cichlidenwelt

    Project 2007 Safe the Victoria Cichlids


    my name ist Oliver and I´m from germany. We are looking for people in Sweden wich ar keeping Victoria Cichlids. We startet a Project in Germany where Axel Böhner our Mod for Vics wants find out who and what kind of Victoria Cichlids everybody is keeping, to save them from totaly disapierinmg from the aquariums around europe.

    So I would kindly ask everybody, who is interested in that to contact us here.

    Thanks in advance

    Sorry for my bad english, you should see my swedish instead
    Senast redigerad av Gäst; 23 November 2006, 17:47.
  • Sofus
    • February 2004
    • 190

    I am keeping a (soon for sale) group of 30-40 fry of Enterochromis sp. (Prev. Hap. sp.) "Red back scraper" which is a pretty rare victorian cichlid if I'm not mistaken. The species were caught in the wild only once in 1991 at Mwanza Gulf. The parents are sold and the fry are just around 3cm.
    Senast redigerad av Sofus; 23 November 2006, 16:21.
    1m³ afrika i vardagsrummet!


    • endymion

      Im interested in this projekt I have 11 species from the Lake Victoria basin at the moment


      • Decimus
        • June 2006
        • 961

        I have Hap.sp Red Head Nyerei, and Hap.sp Python island.

        Best regards.


        • Cichlidenwelt


          first thank for beeing interesed.

          We get with you in touch soon.

          We are looking for that cichlids

          Haplochromis cyaneus
          Haplochromis "Blue Obliquidens"
          Haplochromis "Fire Red" Uganda
          Haplochromis "Flameback"
          Haplochromis "Golden Duck"
          Labrochromis ishmaeli
          Lithochromis rufus
          Lithochromis xanthopteryxs
          Mbipia mbipi
          Neochromis nigricans "Entebbe"
          Neochromis rufocaudalis Python Island
          Neochromis rufocaudalis Makobe Island
          Neochromis rufodaudalis Saa Nane Island
          Neochromis omnicaeruleus Makobe Island
          Neochromis gigas (Gigant Scraper)
          Paralabidochromis "Rockkribensis" Mwanza North,
          Paralabidochromis "Rockkribensis" Kenia
          Paralabidochromis "Rockkribensis" Uganda
          Paralabidochromis chromogynos
          Ptyochromis "Red Tail Sheller"
          Pundamilia azurea
          Pundamilia igneopinnis
          Pundamilia macrocephala
          Pundamilia nyererei Python Island
          Pundamilia nyererei Ruti Island
          Pundamilia nyererei "Red Head"
          Pundamilia nyererei "Red Flank"
          Pundamilia nyererei "Hippo Point Blue Bar"
          Pundamilia nyererei Igombe Island
          Pundamilia pundamilia Python Island
          Pundamilia pundamilia Makobe Island
          Xystichromis nuchisquamulatus
          Yssichromis argens
          Yssichromis pyrrhocephalus

          and this are the species Axel Böhner our Moderator is keeping at the moment

          ca. 100 Astatoreochromis alluaudi
          ca. 60 Haplochromis "Red back scraper"
          1/1 Haplochromis thereuterion + NZ
          2/1 Haplochromis "Fire red Uganda"+ NZ
          15 Harpagochromis "Orange rock hunter"
          3 Harpagochromis "Blue rock hunter"
          8 Haplochromis "Kenia gold"
          8 Haplochromis "Tipped blue" + NZ
          3/3 Labrochromis ishmaeli
          25 Lipochromis "Matumbi hunter" + NZ
          17 Lipochromis melanopterus like"+NZ
          6 Lipochromis melanopterus like" OB-Morphe +NZ
          20 L ithochromis rubripinnis
          25 Lithochromis xanthopteryx +NZ
          18 Mbipia lutea + NZ
          20 Paralabidochromis chilotes Zue Island + NZ
          18 Paralabidochromis chilotes Makobe Island + NZ
          35 Paralabidochromis "Rock kribensis" Makobe Island + NZ
          5 Paralabidochromis "Rock kribensis" Uganda
          1 Paralabidochromis "Rock kribensis" Florida
          8 Platytaeniodus degeni + NZ
          ca. 20 Ptyochromis "Hippo point salmon" + NZ
          14 Ptyochromis "Red rock sheller"
          ca. 25 Ptyochromis sauvagei + NZ
          8 Ptyochromis xenognathus + NZ
          ca. 20 Pundamilia nyererei "Crimson tide"
          ca. 20 Pundamilia nyererei Makobe Island + NZ
          1 Pundamilia nyererei "Red head"
          16 Yssichromis piceata + NZ


          • Cichlidenwelt

            Ursprungligen postat av endymion
            Im interested in this projekt I have 11 species from the Lake Victoria basin at the moment


            are there any species you are looking for. Do you know some moer people that have some.


            • endymion

              Ursprungligen postat av Cichlidenwelt

              are there any species you are looking for. Do you know some moer people that have some.
              At the moment I have:
              A Allaudi
              A Nubila
              A Aeneocolor
              A Latifasciata
              P Chilotes
              H sp. "Ruby Green"
              H sp. " All Red"
              L sp." Matumbi Hunter"
              H Brownae
              P Nyererei
              H sp." Piebald Redfin"

              But at the moment im in the starting up a place to keep my fish at. So at the moment all my efford is to get this place ready. But in the future im will get more species
              There is a lot of fish I want but the carnivore would be fun like silver stilletto, orange rock hunter, blue rock hunter and parvidens. And I want some Tilipias to. But I will se in the future. I know how to get at least 10 or 15 more species then I have today.


              • joe
                • June 2006
                • 1451

                Hi - I´m just a (new)beginner and happen to be interested in Victoria chiclids. As i just have started over I dont´t keep many but I´ve got A. latisfaciata and P. Nyererei sp. "Ruti Island" and perhaps in the near future H. "All red".

                This as a small start and perhaps (hopefully) in the future I will have some more tanks - with Victorias then of course.

                I will follow this tread with interest - good luck!
                MVH - joe

                Värmlänning i exil på Tjörn - nu med några fler Victoriaciklider!


                • Robin
                  • January 2003
                  • 4526

                  Ursprungligen postat av Decimus
                  I have Hap.sp Red Head Nyerei, and Hap.sp Python island.

                  Best regards.
                  I can take this in english if mr. cichlidenwelt have something to add. Haplochromis sp Red Head nyererei and the other one are two spieces from the Pundamilia-family (if the look similar to each other).

                  All nyererei are Pundamilia, no longer Haplochromis.

