Geophagus spec. Orange Head

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  • anli
    • March 2003
    • 3740

    Hm, visste jag säkert att det var ett lekpar så kanske... får i alla fatt ta och släpa med mig frugan, så hon får se hur vackra de är! Jag har redan mjukat upp henne med Fredrik H:s och Hasses fina bilder.
    De skulle verkligen matcha mitt chokladciklidlekpar.
    Vill ha!
    Anders L


    • pleco
      • April 2002
      • 516

      Vuxna VF fiskar kostar mer ,jag har sett vuxna VF"Tapajos" med jätte fina färger för 500kr/st och 300kr/st för halv vuxna utfärgade.
      ==> Mina video==> Mitt Bildarkiv på Zoopet ==> Min Zoon


      • anli
        • March 2003
        • 3740

        Min fru smälte vid synen av de två "Tapajosarna", och nu ligger de för inkoppning i burken. 1300 kr fattigare...
        Skall försöka fota dom när de har acklimatiserats.
        Vilka läckra firrar!
        Anders L


        • Fredrik H.
          • April 2002
          • 1884

          Grattis, det är verkligen en sån där fisk som man bara smälter av när man ser den första gången. Det ska bli spännade att se bilderna.

          Fredrik H.
          Gratis konto på:


          • anli
            • March 2003
            • 3740

            Ivrig som vanligt, så har jag lagt några bilder (inge vidare bilder, måste skaffa bättre belysning). Samt en filmsnutt, och den avslöjar tyvärr mitt skitiga akvarium (räkmix är skräpigt!). Men den är på 10 mb, så den är endast för er med bredband.
            De ser snyggare ut på filmen än på bilderna.

            Ni får kolla in hemsidan, under "fiskstatus"
            Anders L


            • Hasse_H
              • April 2002
              • 1081

              Det är lätt att falla för charmen...mina ser nästan exakt likadana ut, men kommer från Rio Araguaya.
              På filmen ser det ut som den senare fisken har någon defekt vid ena ögat? Eller? Kanske är ljuset som luras.
              Lycka till med leken!


              • anli
                • March 2003
                • 3740

                Nu gjorde du mig nervös Hasse! Men jag kollade efter i morse, och kan inte se någon defekt.. pust... Men det är ju som att köpa beg bil, man blir blind, och det finns en risk att alla skavanker dyker upp hemma.
                De är i alla fall inte så försynta som jag trodde, utan de tar för sig av både plats och mat.

                Nu saknar jag verkligen en bra bok om jordätare!

                Anders L


                • Hasse_H
                  • April 2002
                  • 1081

                  Oj, sorry, det var inte meningen att skrämma dig [:0]

                  Man bör dock vara medveten om att många Geophagus är känsliga för höga halter av nitrit och nitrat och kan utveckla hål-i-huvudet-sjukan om man inte sköter detta. Även för höga pH-värden kan ge hudsjukdomar. Du kan kolla denna sida om du vill se vad som hände mina Geophagusar när pH-värdet av misstag åkte upp från 6.5 till 7.5 vid ett vattenbyte... den drabbade fisken fick jag senare avliva då det aldrig verkade läka ut. Men inga fler fick sjukdomen som tur var. Men bli inte skrämd av detta, ger man dem rätt förutsättningar och har koll på pH, matar dem ofta och rätt, så är de inte sjukare än andra fiskar, tvärtom tycker jag.

                  Boken med stort B, the one and only, heter South American Eartheaters av Thomas Weidner. Har den av en slump med mig till jobbet idag ifall det skulle bli alltför tråkigt med annat...[]



                  • anli
                    • March 2003
                    • 3740

                    Byter ca 30% vatten varje vecka. Vattnet är en blandning av osmos(4/5) och uppsala råvatten (1/5). Kör även lite torv i ett av filtren.Använder även lite Waterlife 6,5 buffer. Håller ett hyfsat stabilt ph 6,5-6,8. Tempen är ca 26-27 grader (vintertid).
                    Har ett stort juwel jumbo innerfilter, samt två externa (2013 och 2017).
                    Det enda problemet är att burken (400 L) är lite överbefolkad, men jag skall snart ge bort överblivna Gymnogeophagus och Hoplosternum thoracatum. Är även på gång att införskaffa en 300 L burk till.

                    "South American Eartheaters" har hamnat på inköpslistan! Skall försöka få tag på den å det snaraste.
                    Anders L


                    • Matsh
                      • September 2002
                      • 63

                      Hej grabbar, jag skaffade i sommras 6 st O-head från Tapajos (F1) samt 6 st VF G "Pindare". De är idag ca: 7-9 cm. De leker regelbundet båda sorterna, flera par. Men dom är ganska dåliga föräldrar, dom tuggar ca: 9-10 dagar när de sedan ska släppa ut ynglena på grönbete är de små veck. 1 gång har jag sett yngel,men han inte suga upp dem. Jordätare ska enligt utsago vara relativt bra på att vakta åtminstone några dagar. Är det något som dom ska "lära" sig är dom ännu för "unga". Är det någon som har erfarenhet av lek ??
                      Anders, du bör nog skaffa några kompisar till ditt par, dom är grupp djur.


                      • anli
                        • March 2003
                        • 3740

                        Visst kan man komplettera mer fler, bara man hittar några fler fina stora ex...
                        Anders L


                        • snysop
                          • October 2002
                          • 98

                          Just nu finns det stora orange heads i Kungsbacka, Kungsmässan!



                          • anli
                            • March 2003
                            • 3740

                            Tack för tipset! Nära och bra för mig...[:p]
                            Anders L


                            • Ricard
                              • August 2003
                              • 476

                              HEJ PÅ ER!

                              Ni skriver att det bara finns tyska beskrivningar på G. spec. orange head... Det är inte lätt med tyska - kan själv inte ett ord mer än att beställa öl. MEN det finn program på nätet som översätter från en hel radda språl till och från engelska. Så, jag stoppade in texten och ut kom följande text som jag hopps skall bli till nytta, nöje och glädje. Håll till godo alla jorfräsar-freak!

                              A new (?) Erdfresser Geophagus spec. "orange head" from the Rio Araguaia Author: Joerg Albering The first impression, which I had, as I Geophagus spec. "saw orange head" from the Rio Araguaia for the first time was: "unbelievable! That is one of the most beautiful geo phages, which I saw ever. A true Orgie in orange and Tuerkis!" With something luck and art of persuasion I could receive four animals of this kind from Thomas Weidner on detours over an aquarium friend from wels and Markus Russegger, - with these geo phages also for the first time ablaichten -. They referred 500 with me an l - basins of the surface area 200 x 50 cm2, whose mechanism from a multiplicity of wurzel-Hoelzern and unite flat flints and/or schieferplatten existed. As soil reason I use 1-2 mm for geo phage basins prefer a 2:1 mixture from fine river sand and gravel of the granulation. In this environment the newcomers felt for an acclimatizing time of some days already quite probably and showed its whole color splendour. The probably most standing out characteristic of these Erdfresser is the intensive orange head colouring, which extends from the beginning of the Dorsale over the eye up to the mundwinkel. During the breeding care the color still another little strengthens - the region underneath the eye of the mundwinkel up to mostly only the

                              Praeopercularstreifens visible in excitation exhibits then clearly yellow-orange colours. The tuerkise strip, which extends from the mundwinkel to the Praeopercularstreifen, forms a beautiful contrast in addition. The lips exhibit same colour. Under the eyes tuerkiser, short line or oblong point is bluish with some copies to. The basic colour of the body is a bright beige, below the collateral line extends rows more dottergelber and cyan of irisierender points of the beginning of the Pectoralen up to the tail beginning. Above the collateral line the body participates as ueberzuckert, depending upon beam of light, lightgreen to tuerkis irisierenden small points. In body center lies relative large black mark, which appears the more intensively colored, the more excited the animals is. Very remarkably are also the four numbers of vertical doubling tires, which likewise step out more or less intensively depending upon tendency of the animals. A further only weakly recognizable, individual, vertical strip runs from the beginning of the Pectorale of the beginning of the Dorsale.

                              The design of the Ventrale, Anale and Caudale essentially consists of alternating red and blue and/or tuerkisfarbenen strips. A further very remarkable characteristic is intensively orange the colouring of the ends of the hard jets in the Dorsale. This design begins with the fifth hard jet and continues into the weichstrahligen part of the Dorsale, there however is substantially narrower the strip. To this orange edge of fin appears unreal intensively - nearly, as if it would be up-painted with a light pen additional. The body form of these Geophagus "orange head" is rather hochrueckig and kurzschnaeuzig. Above all the males develop a proper "fat peak" in the course of the time, similarly Geophagus proximus or Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro". The overall length of my animals amounts to meanwhile 14-16 cm, it seems however, as if thereby not yet the "borders of growth" are reached. To the exact discovery site of the Geophagus spec. "orange head" I can unfortunately give no data.

                              The way of the animals was to be retraced only up to a citizen of Berlin (?) Aquarianer, of which Thomas Weidner it with the indication, it acts, received around animals out of the Rio Araguaia; to the colleague from wels passed on (like nearly always: from lack of space); the again sold it at Markus R. from Graz and of it they arrived after some weeks (after long and tough negotiations!) finally to me. If someone recognizes the animals among the readers (or the original owner to announce itself could) around me references over the exact discovery site or at least the importer to give, were I very grateful. Up to then I become it also further as G. spec. "orange head Rio Araguaia" designate. Stawikowski described some Erdfresser kinds from the Rio Araguaia and the Rio Tocantins, which exhibits partially some morphoplogische similarities with the animals introduced here in expenditure for March 1999 of the DCG information. A further very similar kind - Geophagus spec. talk head "Rio Tapajós" - originates from another river system seems however, at least on the basis the colouring and the body form to be related likewise close. Also Geophagus spec. "Rio Tocantins" exhibits a very similar strip design and examination of the Beflossung and could a kind of sister represent. However the intensive yellow oranges of colours in the head region and that are missing bright orange to strips at the edge of the Dorsale after my experiences with this kind.

                              The latter characteristics are to be found rather with the animal from the underflow of the Rio Araguaia, described by Stawikowski. This kind differs however strongly both in the Habitus - it is clearly more stretch and more spitzkoepfiger as the Geophagus angehandelten here spec. "orange head" - and in the design sample of the Anale and Caudale. The kind from the underflow of the Rio Araguaia exhibits clearly clearly numbers of blue irisierender marks in the unpaaren fins, mentioned from each other set off. Unfortunately one will probably have to be waiting due to missing information about the exact discovery site of the geo phages described here, until again once animals of the new variant are imported, in order to be able to make a closer comparison and hopefully then a possible geographical demarcation. Particularly interesting it would be naturally also to examine whether there are discovery sites of geo phages between Rio Araguaia and Rio Tapajós, in which animals occurs, those with both Geophagus spec. "orange head Rio Araguaia" and with Geophagus spec. "Rio Tapajós" are related. One may be anyhow strained, which Tapajós, Xingu, Araguaia and Tocantins still at Geophagus surprises in the future for us to hold ready. A genuine enriching - both in more scientific and in purely aesthetic regard - it probably in any case will be. The four Geophagus spec. "orange head" Rio Araguaia divide with me a basin with seven Geophagus approximately equal in size spec. "Rio Negro", a pair Satanoperca pappaterra and 1.2 Guianacara spec. "Orinoco". The basin is relatively unclearly furnished, which with catch attempts more is than problematic, itself however as inevitably put out, has as recently two pairs the G. spec. Rio Negro, a pair of the G. gelaicht spec "orange head" and the Guianacara pair almost at the same time and accordingly much stress in the basin prevailed. Particularly at the feeding time a hardly beschreibliches prevailed chaos in these days, in which still relatively small emerged surprisingly the Guianacara with 9-11 cm the overall length as the true rulers and pointed by the violent attacks to everything that moved and in the proximity of the Laichhoehle to be found was, that size is not everything! But even in this wild disorder some Geophagus boy and many small Guianacaras could grow sufficiently, in order to escape the status as living person fodder. The nearly redundantly existing woods provided for sufficient hiding place possibilities and smaller, districts which can be defended easily, in which always also once again the young animals of the geo phages will dismiss for the fodder admission could. In this basin I accomplish a weekly water change of 70-80 % with tap water; the water temperature amounts to between 27-28 °C.

                              The filtering takes place exclusively mechanically via a strong interior filter. The nutrition of the animals takes place via various mosquito larvae, Mysis, Krill, Artemia, Riccia pads, salad, flake fodder and zerstossene sticks. The water equivalents (GH 16-17 °dH, KH 9-10 °dH, pH 7,04, nitrate 20-25 ppm, nitrite n.n., heavy metals within the ppB range) do not seem particularly suitably for the attitude of Geophagus Wildfaengen, so far gave it however neither problems because of Laichverpilzung nor losses by metabolic disturbances or deficiency symptoms. In the course of 1-2 days after each water change the pH value lowers itself easily on approx.. 6,85 (wg. the many roots and the Huminsaeuren set free by it). In the course of the week between the water changes the water accepts a light amber color and the portion of oxidizable, organic substances takes strongly too to attribute (too approximately same parts to the fish trimming and to the presence of wood, - I have out of interest once the Permanganat consumption of the water in vacant and/or occupied basin after in each case one week certainly).

                              The group of the four Geophagus spec. "consists orange head" of two pairs, which show so far no tendency towards the partner exchange. The respective partners of the two pairs stand together frequently close, driving the males, those are already mating willing and "it" females press occur only very rarely. Such Eskapade mostly ends then with a small impact into the flank of the female, who answers again with the easy spreading of the kiemendeckel and suggested lateral impressing. Completely different the behavior is opposite the animals of the respective other pair and the Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro". Here it can come already once too clearly more accented arguments. The short, but leg-printing violent disputes are however also rapidly again settled mostly. The reasons are in normal case certain "diversities of opinion" over the district size and the best places, in order to chew the sand well after fodder. The Geophagus mostly gives spec. "Rio Negro" with such fights as first up - although they possess easy size advantages. At least with the food acquisition they are substantially less on the "earth food" fixed, but take also gladly fodder directly from the water surface. Even small insects, which had found past summer in the course again and again times the entrance fatal for it by the openings of the cover, stood on the food note of the "Rio Negro" Erdfresser. I knew a such behavior with the G. spec. "never observe orange head". This kind seems to out-chew their food rather for the soil reason to search or at least at ground level. For reproduction the Geophagus searches spec. "orange head" - by the way completely contrary to the Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro" - obviously the proximity of the kind comrades, - is gelaicht mostly in direct neighbourhood, but nevertheless in a respectful minimum clearance of approx.. 30 cm for the district of the "competition", although the basin continues to remove substantially more and from each other lying Laichplaetze exhibits. I have unfortunately no information about how long recruiting lasted, before the animals found durable to each other to pairs. After now the animals gelaicht in each case 7-8 times with one another at least, hardly still another Balz takes place.

                              The ritual is mostly limited to easy impressing, - both lateral and frontal Imponiergehabe. For this the kiemendeckel will become somewhat spread and the orange colored Kiemenfalten clearly visibly. Both partners face each other alternating parallel - i.e. head at head - and moving in opposite directions - head at tail - and try by striking with the Caudale "impression to maltreat". One can recognize a being approaching of the Laich next Laichaktes best by 2-3 days before the actual Laichabgabe stepping out Genitalpapillen. The Genitalpapille of the females is approx.. 3 mm thickly and 8 mm long, those of the males with approx.. 1.5 mm of thickness and a length of 6-7 mm clearly smaller. The females are to be recognized now also clearly by the fuelligeren belly profile. Both partners take part in the intensive flash of the preferential Laichsubstrates. At the same time the animals will drive increasingly territorially and disturbing peace by lateral threatening, a spreading out of the kiemendeckel, tail impacts and as last means by bites into the flank of the opponent. Here the male is substantially more active than the female. During this time small pits are dug also again and again, preferentially in direct neighbourhood to the Laichsubstrat. I tried also repeated to offer transportable substrates in form of large sheets which were accepted however in no case. that is interesting at least a pair a proper affinity for a certain stone (flat, red granite) developed. If one removes this substrate and puts another stone (e.g. a piece of slates or a similarly colored and formed piece granite to its place, this no more than Laichplatz is accepted and the pair looks for the "favourite stone" and begins again with the creation of pits at the new location. With the second pair I could not observe this behavior. Gelaicht became so far of both pairs always between 16-18 o'clock in the late afternoon. Males and females slide mostly in the clockwise direction successively over the substrate and deliver eggs (approx. 6-8 pieces per passage) and sperm.

                              The clutches of eggs, consisting of 250-350 eggs, are under normal conditions of regular, round form and work very akkurat put on. The development of the Laiches lasts then approx.. 36-38 h with 27 °C water temperature. Both pairs cover the clutch of eggs directly after the Laichakt also little sand, so that the eggs are to be recognized sometimes only with difficulty. Briefly before the slip the sand is then removed again by lively Befaecheln. The Laich exhibits only a small Subtrathaftung, remains just as few the sand at it sticking. (this stands contrary to the observations, which I at the eggs of the Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro" to make could. This kind laicht partially even in several layers one above the other and covers then the whole "egg lump" with something sand.) The larvae of the Geophagus spec. "are taken up orange head" on the early morning after the next, briefly after switching on of the lighting on of both parents to the muzzle. The larvae are proper herausgelutscht thereby from the Eihuellen by massing movements with the lips. Thus also the relatives kind Geophagus concern spec with this kind a biparentalen larvophilen muzzle breeder, as. "Rio Tapajós". The indication of parents to begin with the admission is surely the violent movement lacquer black pigmented tails of the larvae. It lasts under normal conditions approx.. 30-40 minutes (in approximately as long as also the Laichprozess), until also the last larva from their Eihuelle sucked and in the muzzle disappeared. Subsequently, only the empty Eihuellen at the substrate remains. Laichverpilzung occurred only with less than 5 % of the eggs. In the process of the next eight days first both parents carry the larvae and placing them several times on the day for short time in already before the pits put on. Although this does not happen very frequently, the time is nevertheless mostly enough for the other animals to reduce the number of the larvae rapidly. Particularly at the fodder times it often occurs that only one parents carry the larvae, while the other one eats or the district defended. Of that at the beginning of 300 - 350 larvae remain at the 9-10ten day when free swimming mostly only 40-50 young fish, which take up themselves in direct proximity of the parents animals to always stop and with the smallest disturbance again to the protecting muzzle. This behavior makes not only feeding in the Haelterungsbecken relatively difficult, but also the rescue of the young animals before the mostly inevitable fate of the eating becoming. In the last days before the free swimming and in the time thereafter mostly only parents carry the brood, while the other one is free for the defense that of breeding district or food can take up. If both pairs laichen at the same time, one can observe also again and again that the animals steal themselves mutually the young fish. Straight young animals in the muzzle carrying parents does not creep in addition to the neighbouring pair near and "captured" in a fast raid some young fish. The strange boys exactly the same maintained like the own ones and after some awake changes of the parents to mix itself the foster children with the own new generation. There both pairs such a behavior exhibit are multicolored mixed after some days the two young fish swarms. In a case I knew even a male of the G. spec. "orange head" - I had removed the clutch of eggs of this pair before for the attempt of the artificial raising - to observe, like it the larvae of Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro" kidnapped and some days like own new generation maintained. Then however it hunger seems to have uebermannt and it the small "Appetithaeppchen" fed.

                              Dirk Neumann described a similar kind of the Jungfisch Piraterie in the November-1999-Ausgabe of the DCG information with its Satanoperca leucosticta. It seems thus that this behavior seems to the-more frequent with geo phages and related kinds. To what extent the mutual Kidnapping represents a natural behavior and a "failure" promoted by the restrained aquarium attitude is not, is once undecided. On the other hand already quite early reports are appropriate for information that Kidnapping occurs e.g. with Amphilophus citrinellum, in its young fish swarms "Cichlasoma" over open land observations (so e.g. the Rewiew article of bank man and weber in the DCG information 11(6) from the year 1980) over it longimanus, Hypsophrys nicaraguense and Neetroplus nematopus were among other things also found also for Central American Cichliden. Possibly mutual kidnapping of young animals represents one of the many natural behavior variants, which arise however only under certain outside circumstances.

                              In order to be able to pursue the larva development better, than with the care of the young animals by parents the case can be, I removed in a case the Laich including substrate and in for 50 an l basin with strong aeration and a air-claimant foam material filter transferred. After nearly all larvae had given the indication to "Herauslut", by wagging lively their tails, I could free the larvae by careful swivelling of the substrate from the Eihuellen. This appear to me more carefully to over-paint as with a brush or the like. In this stage the larvae consist only of the strongly pigmented tail and a lightyellow egg-shaped korpus. The larvae wag also after the slip further intensively the tail. Interestingly enough small islands from larvae at the soil of the basin, which struck approximately synchronously with the tails, formed. On approx.. 15-20 larvae cling still remainder of the Eihuelle, which I could not remove unfortunately - like parents by constant "washrooms" and shifting in the muzzle - completely. These larvae were removed by sucking off and re-designed to fodder. After approx.. 42 h is one clearly projection by the egg-shaped base directly opposite the tail beginning to be recognized. Here the training of the head begins, - which wags tail further lively and is still strongly pigmented. After 76 h a clear length growth of the tail is to be recognized and by the head forms slowly the beginnings of the eyes. After 90 h one sees that pigmentation becomes distributed over the tail and thus somewhat brighter. After 96 h the mouth is to be recognized, the eyes is likewise further developed further and now very well as dark points by the head to be constituted. After 114 h the beginnings are to be seen to development of the Caudale. An easy dark discoloration above the Dottersackes points on the development of the internal organs. After 162 h larvae are already quite lively and swim now and then briefly up. The Dottersack is however still present at this time. I knew a first food intake (Artemia entkapsulierte) approx.. 180 h after the slip observe. The young fish show now a pronounced swarm behavior and swim always in the close federation in the raising basin around. They feast now - like herd cows - the entkapsulierten Artemien which are because of the soil off. With the free swimming they measured approx.. 5 mm, already within the first week add them however enormously at size and to measure after only seven days already more than 1 cm.

                              In the raising basin 2 x became approx. daily in each case. 30-50 % water changed and briefly thereafter fresh fodder given. After altogether ten days are those approx.. 250 young fish in 120 an l raising basin moved. During the next weeks I continued to feed with entkapsulierten Artemia and finely zermahlenen sticks and/or flakes. Additionally there were still Bosmiden, Cyclops and adulte Artemia. Twenty days after the free swimming measured the small ones already 15-17 mm. Three months after the free swimming exhibit the young fish already an overall length of 30-50 mm and eat loving beside attained full growth Artemia, gladly mosquito larvae, Krill and Mysis. As auxiliary fodder they receive also further zerstossene sticks and ground flakes. Meanwhile they inhabit 375 an l basin and are always hungry, even if the small belly bursts already nearly. The smallest movement before the basin is enough and it falls to the surface and expects fodder. Still another short note about "artificial raising": I am the opinion that one should let parents maintain at least until some days after the free swimming. On the one hand genuine parents with security are better "male nurses" as one it to be can and on the other hand pray-reprimand themselves one around the fascinating sight of a breedingmaintaining pair. The artificial raising described here served the observation of the larva development primarily. Only if after several attempts the animals do not maintain "duly", one should according to my opinion remember, in order to draw up the vermehrung sake a rare kind, the Laich "artificially". In the case of the Geophagus spec. "orange head" it proved in parallel raising attempts fortunately that both "normally" by parents and artificially drawn up young animals well develop. (unfortunately I cannot do this in the case of the Geophagus spec. "Rio Negro" report. The artificially drawn up animals exhibited fins diminished and shortened kiemendeckel in many cases, so that at least during the first days rather correct parents will leave the raising of the boys should.) The Dorsale of the young animals of the G. showed already four weeks after the free swimming spec. "orange head" a clear rosa orange colouring, which developed itself further until today to a broad strip. Meanwhile a suggestion oranges of the fin seam is to be recognized in the Dorsale. The basic colour of the body is orange yellow, with a temporarily already clearly visible side point. The strip design of the unpaaren fins begins with approx.. to become 10 weeks visible. Also at the age of three months the swarm co-operation functions still outstanding, - never one sees individual animals, but the swarm always moves as unit. In the swarm side marks of the animals only andeutungsweise is to be recognized, instead steps a verwaschene longitudinalbind up. If one isolates some the animals changes in such a way its body design, - they will be drawn up in a small troop by 5-10 animals in a separate basin, is already after approx.. to see 7 weeks the black side mark very concisely available and nearly always. One may speculate now upon whether the absence of the central mark - and thus also an absence of individual design characteristics - can be with young animals in large swarms a protection from robbers. In order to be able to answer this question, however probably rather Freilandbeobachungen are necessary, which are not present my knowledge for this kind yet.

                              I know Geophagus spec. "put orange head" actually only to each "South America Freak" to the heart. It is worthwhile itself in any case to hold the animals it is a genuine Zierde in each Geophagus basin and recompences by its umkomplizierte attitude and its fascinating breeding care behavior. In addition, - the more secured realizations we over the kinds from this beautiful group of geo phages to win know, the better the classification and clarifying of distorting shank conditions of the various related Geophagus kinds from the Rio Tapajós, Rio Xingu, Rio Tocantins and the Rio Araguaia will succeed. I am anyhow very strained, which has to otherwise still offer the kind Geophagus to us.

                              Stawikowski, R. (1999): "Erdfresser from the Rio Tocantins and the Rio Araguaia". DCG.Informn. 30(3): 56-59.
                              Stawikowski, R. (199: "Geophagus FR. "Tapajós". DCG Informn. 29 (3): 41-48.
                              Neumann, D (1999): "Satanoperca leucosticta". DCG Infomn. 30 (11): 201-208.
                              Bank man, A, weber, B (1980): "from the Cichlidensystematik - the generic's group (tri bus) Cichlasomini n.n.". DCG Informn. 11(6): 101-103

                              Jag har använt följande sida:
                              Ricard Hulteke - Välkommen till Min zoon


                              • Ricard
                                • August 2003
                                • 476

                                "Geophagus cf. altifrons Rio Negro" - är detta en art som man kan få tag på i Sverige..? Jag är helt ny i ciklidvärlden så snälla, hjälp mig...

                                - Var kan jag få tag på denna skönhet? Vilket pris bör jag vara
                                beredd att betala?
                                - Tips på akvariekamrater?

                                Har sett en bild och det är denna:
                                Ricard Hulteke - Välkommen till Min zoon

